Mission Statement
The Supreme Royal Ladies Palace would like to welcome you to the Keturah Supreme Palace website. Our fundamental teachings rest upon the most basic of all truths. Every woman, before she is allowed to participate in the rights and privileges of our sisterhood, must profess her faith in a Supreme Being. We believe in the dignity and worth of the individual, in her God-ordained right to achieve her destiny through her own effort. They are pledged to uphold the time-honored institutions of honesty, integrity, and forthrightness and are strong supporters of the fundamental principles of physical, intellectual, moral, political, and religious freedom for everyone.
A group of reorganized Royal Ladies held a planning session in Chicago, Illinois on several occasions in 2016. Names were submitted and members of the planning session selected Keturah for the Supreme Royal Ladies Palace name. Keturah (meaning Incense) is the third wife of Abraham, (Genesis 25:1-6; 1 Chronicles 1:32-33). The Royal Ladies involved were R.L. Martha Henderson (R.Q. of the local Royal Ladies Palace), R.L. Candace Gunn, R.L. Doris Yarbrough-Smith, R.L. Mary D. Thomas and R.L. DeAndrea Wiley. On April 16, 2016, the vision of Keturah Supreme Royal Ladies went from a vision of hope to reality. Prayer, dedication and hard work, allowed us to be chartered on July 29, 2016 in Miami, Florida at the Universal Supreme Council Convention.
About Supreme Royal Queen Of Sheba,
RL Martha Henderson

RL Henderson is a graduate of Alcorn State University and a former member of Alcorn State University Marching Band. She currently holds the positions of Supreme Royal Queen of Sheba of Keturah Supreme Royal Ladies, Most Worthy Grand Matron of Carter Court #2 Daughters of Sphinx, Supreme Advocate of the Daughters of Sphinx and Isis, Past Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee for Royal and Exalted Degree of Amaranth. R.L Henderson currently holds the rank of General of the female Supreme Honor Guards. She has held numerous positions during her 35 years of SERVICE to the organization of Adoptive Rite along with working on various committees from the State level to the Supreme. She has received numerous awards and certificates. R.L Henderson states, "I am extremely excited, humble and proud of being appointed to the position of Supreme Royal Queen of Sheba and then elected to this position. I believe in treating people the way I want to be treated, with LOVE and RESPECT, to everyone! For you see without YOU, there is no US."
Supreme Royal Officers
*Indicates Appointed Position
Supreme Royal Queen of Sheba
*Supreme Royal King Solomon
Supreme Royal Queen
*Supreme Associate Royal King
Supreme Associate Royal Queen
*Supreme Royal Count
Supreme Royal Countess
Supreme Associate Royal Countess
Supreme Royal Secretary
Supreme Recording Secretary
Supreme Royal Treasurer
Board Member
Board Member
Board Member
Board Member
Board Member
*Supreme Royal Chaplain
*Supreme Royal First Malkia
*Supreme Royal Second Malkia
*Supreme Royal Countess of Altar
*Supreme Royal Countess of Golden Cup
*Supreme Royal Countess of Cross
*Supreme Royal Countess of Crown
*Supreme Royal Countess of Veil
*Supreme Royal Countess of Star
*Supreme Royal Countess of Benevolence
*Supreme Royal Countess of Justice
*Supreme Royal Countess of Sphinx
*Supreme Royal Countess of Seal
*Supreme Royal Countess of Charter
*Supreme Royal Countess of Constitution
*Supreme Royal Inner Sgt of Arms
*Supreme Royal Outer Sgt of Arms
*State Deputy
*State Deputy
*State Deputy
*State Deputy
R.L. Martha Henderson
Ill. Malachi Dean, 33°/96°
R.L. Josette Doby
Ill. Addison Jackson, 33°/96°
R.L. Elizabeth Filmore
Ill. Martin Stallworth, 33°/96°
R.L. Leslie Green
R.L. LaTosha Brooks
R.L. Wanda Corney
R.L. Victoria Dennis
R.L. Artraniese McCarter
R.L. Kimberly Felder
R.L. Jackie Johnson
R.L. Ebony Spencer-Geddis
R.L. Markila Thomas
R.L. DeAndrea Wiley
R.L. Gwendoly Anderson
R.L. Erica Crum
R.L. Rosalyn Lecoq
R.L. Kimberly Haythorn
R.L. La'Trice Wright
R.L. Carisa Arthur
R.L. Margaret Robinson
R.L. Cathy Thomas
R.L. Erma Franks
R.L. Tysi Burrell
R.L. Debra Hamilton
R.L. Trendi ANguyen
R.L. Wendy Adderley
R.L. Althea Greenhouse
R.L. Tanya Combs
R.L. Candice Carodine
R.L. Amanda Deaver
R.L. Felita Adams
R.L. Shametta Benson
R.L. Wanda Corney
R.L. Deltrise Sanford
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Past Officers
Supreme Royal Secretary
Supreme Royal Treasurer
Supreme Royal King
Supreme Royal King Solomon
Supreme Royal Secretary
State Deputy
R.L. Roelean Duncan
R.L. Linda Haynes
Ill. McKinley Moses, 33°
Ill. Christopher M. Jackson
R.L. Latoria Martin
R.L. Dionne Davis
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